USB-C - 3.5mm オーディオ アダプター

3.5mm AUX - USB-C ヘッドフォンジャックコンバータ

SKU: PUP-0435

Ships Within 12 Hours

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  • Bluetooth よりも優れた音質: Bluetooth スピーカーとイヤホンは、圧縮により音質が低下します。 3.5mm オーディオ ジャックを使用すると、どこにいても忠実度の高いスタジオ品質のサウンドが得られます。

  • 携帯電話、ラップトップ、コンピュータなど、あらゆるものに対応します。 USB-C ポートを備えたあらゆるデバイスが高品質の音楽デバイスになります。

  • より暖かく豊かなサウンドをお楽しみください: Bluetooth イヤホンのデジタル サウンドは、脆くて不自然な場合があります。この 3.5mm コンバーターを使用すると、スタジオのプロフェッショナルのような温かみのある自然なアナログ サウンドを楽しむことができます。

  • 電話に最適:別の重要な通話を台無しにしないでください。

  • お気に入りの音楽を正しい方法で聞く:プロのミュージシャンと同じように、適切なヘッドフォンでお気に入りのアルバムを体験してください。

  • コンパクトなデザイン:この小さなコンバーターは、ポケット、財布、バッグ、カバンに入れて簡単に持ち運べます。

  • 長持ちする設計:高品質のアルミニウムシェル、編組ケーブル、エナメル銅線により、音楽をより長く楽しめます。

  • 警告: この製品は、癌や先天異常、その他の生殖障害を引き起こすことがカリフォルニア州で知られているビスフェノール A (BPA) を含む化学物質にさらされる可能性があります。詳細については、をご覧ください。

Get the Highest Quality Sound

Use block text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select impactful text that relates to your brand and story.

Use Your Favorite Headphones & Speakers

Studio-quality monitor headphones aren’t made for Bluetooth. This converter gives you access to the best sound, even on your smartphone.

Universal Adapter

Works with Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Computer, and More. Any device with a USB-C port can be used to enjoy music in its purest and highest form.

Hear Your Favorite Music The Way Your Favorite Artists Do

Get the authentic experience. When your favorite artists are making their albums in the studio, they aren’t using Bluetooth earbuds: they’re using headphones and studio speakers. Now, you can ditch the earbuds and experience their music the way they intended – with high-quality analogue sound.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Sue Adlam


Hi, Sue! 

Your positive feedback has brought a smile to our faces. 

We're so pleased to hear that you've had a wonderful experience with our products! 

We're looking forward to serving you again for your future orders.

Angel Aguilera

Really good accessory for the office.

Hi, Angel! 

Your positive feedback has brought a smile to our faces. 

We're so pleased to hear that you've had a wonderful experience with our products! 

We're looking forward to serving you again for your future orders.

Linda G Howell
Great Adapters!

Perfect for the newer USB-C Apple products. Sometimes old school is best when it comes to sound.

Hey, LGinWV!

Thank you for your unwavering support and appreciation! 

We are thrilled to hear that you are delighted with our products. 

Your satisfaction fuels our passion to deliver exceptional quality and service. 

We look forward to continuing to exceed your expectations!

Richard Gibson

Don't know as I am still awaiting delivery...

Todd Peterson

It’s been almost three weeks with no updates. Emailed the company asking for an update and they very quickly responded with a tracking link stating the courier never received the package. I emailed the company saying I feel it’s unacceptable to charge someone for shipping and not have the package ship in a reasonable time. Still no info or update on when or even if it’ll ship at this point.

Hi, Todd!

We understand your frustration regarding this issue with your order, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. We value your feedback and would like to address this situation promptly.

Please check your email so we can help you.